KakkoiDev Studio
Web & App
Contact Me
Picture of Cyril
Welcome, I'm Cyril
A frontend web developer with over 5 years of experience, specialized in NextJS, Typescript, and React Native.
My achievements
Created from scratch a webapp and a mobile app for a fintech startup.
Increased revenue by 10% ($1 million/year) for an online organic retail store by implementing a new payment option.
Fixed a bug intrinsic to the JavaScript language that was corrupting payment records.
What I do
Build high-quality, scalable, and user-friendly websites and mobile applications.
Debug and maintain existing apps.
Lead and mentor teams.
How to make a website?
Developed with a team of 4 engineers, using the Agile methodology, an AI platform to extract financial intelligence from conversations. The platform processes audio files through our AI system to generate a transcript and a detailed explanation about what was said and what are the followup tasks to accomplish.
  • Built 80% of the frontend
  • Helped to design and implement the whole architecture of the project
  • Tested the app with Playwright
  • Trained an intern to bring her up to speed
  • Actively brought the team together
Theseus Meeting
Theseus Meeting
The companion app of TheseusAI. It is designed to record the audio of meetings and send them over to the AI platform. The app has been tested to make sure it would not stop recording even when receiving a call or locking the phone for an extended period of time. It can reliably send files even when in bad network conditions thanks to the implementation of resumable upload and background tasks.
  • Coded the whole app from scratch
  • Implemented resumable uploads
  • Added a background service to retry uploads as soon as the phone turns on
  • Added a foreground service to ensure the recording would never stop even when the phone is locked
La Fourche
La Fourche
Worked with a team of 11 engineers, 2 product owners and 1 tester, using the Scrum methodology, to improve the shopping cart and checkout of the organic online retail store "La Fourche".
  • Increased sales by 10% by implementing a PayPal payment option
  • Gave advices about best practices and helped the team to mature technically
Developed with a team of 5 engineers and 1 product owner, using the Scrum methodology, to improve the dashboard and payment journey of the biggest platform to find associations and run ticketing and crowdfunding in France. Basically, the scope of the team was from the moment the user logs in, until the moment he confirms a payment.
  • Overcame JavaScript's timezone bug with a robust wrapper, streamlining date and time handling and enhancing developer productivity
  • Created an Electron application to help the product owner to record end-to-end tests with Playwright
Contact Me